Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) is legislation that was agreed last year, but has only been in effect since 2020. However, we find that a lot of our clients aren’t clear on exactly what SEG can offer them, and how it affects them if they have a solar panel system or are planning to get one installed.

In this blog, we’ll outline exactly what SEG means for you and will explain how it can turn excess clean energy into revenue. If anything remains unclear, feel free to get in touch for more information or a free survey.

What is the Smart Export Guarantee?

SEG is legislation introduced by the government which demands licensed electricity suppliers, with over 150,000 domestic customers to offer an export tariff for small-scale green energy production. Provided certain criteria are met, energy companies will pay for excess energy produced by low-carbon generators to be pumped back into the national grid.

This is forward-thinking legislation that means Britain’s biggest energy providers will have to buy renewable environmentally-friendly energy back from their own customers. This means that a lot of the energy produced that is not used in the home while homeowners are at work will not be exported and provided to the national grid for free.

Am I Eligible for SEG?

If your solar panel system meets a number of specific requirements, you are eligible for SEG. They have to be:

  • Solar PV
  • MCS Accredited
  • <5MW in Output

At Eco Power, we will make sure that whatever system we install meets all the necessary criteria for you to qualify for SEG and start offsetting the cost of the system.

How will SEG Help the Environment?

Domestic low-carbon energy generation is already helping the environment, meaning that individuals are fuelling their households without relying on harmful and unsustainable fossil fuels. However, SEG means that clean energy for the national grid can be ‘crowd-sourced’.

Not only does this mean that the nation will be drawing an increasing amount of power from environmentally-friendly means that have been set up independently, but these increases should be exponential as more and more people venture into domestic low-carbon systems due to costs becoming increasingly affordable and subsidised.

How Much will I make through SEG?

The amount you can make from SEG varies according to a number of different factors:

  • The current tariff rates (available to view here).
  • The amount of energy you produce
  • The amount of energy you use

What SEG does do, however, is guarantee that you will make money selling energy to the grid even if wholesale electricity prices drop below zero, which can happen occasionally.

Working with Eco Power Innovations means you will produce as much electricity as possible, and in turn, make as much money as possible. Our engineers will work with you to develop a system that maximises the potential energy production of your home, while accommodating your individual needs, home, and budget.

Be part of the permanent solution in the fight against fossil fuels and become a net generator of clean environmentally-friendly energy today. Get in touch for your home survey.


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