Experts in this field agree that, the installation of heat pumps throughout the U.K. will experience a rapid growth over the next few years.

Part of the growth of heat pumps is related to avoiding carbon emissions, because heat pumps do not burn fossil fuels for heat production. This makes them an environmentally friendly and green solution for your heating requirements. In addition, when electricity is purchased from renewable sources, the technology’s carbon emission avoidance impact is magnified.

Should you like to have an even lower impact on the environment and lower running costs, you should think about combining your air source heat pump with a solar panel system to generate the electricity for the pump to run.


You’ve already been using a heat pump for decades… your fridge!

A heat pump, in very simple terms, is a device that moves the heat from one location to another by using a small amount of energy. Heat pumps enable you to make use of renewable energy sources while reducing your carbon footprint.

Air source heat pumps (also known as ASHPs) use a natural source of heat – air – to produce energy. They absorb warmth from the outside air and convert it into heat. Some air source heat pumps will produce 3.2kW of heat energy from 1 kW of electrical energy input.

There are two main types of air source heat pump systems:

  • Air to water heat pump: this type of air source heat pump distributes heat via a wet central heating system. This type of system is able to heat your space while also providing hot water.
  • Air to air heat pump: this type of air source heat pump system produces heat by using fans to circulate outside air into your home. With this type of heat pump, only space heating is possible, unless combined with another heating system, such as a boiler or similar system.

Depending on whether you purchased an air-to-air or air-to-water heat pump, the heat that is produced can be used for an underfloor heating system, radiators, warm air convectors and to heat water. An air source heat pump can also be used as an air conditioner.

As with Solar PV in the early stages of their introduction to the U.K., it has been assumed by many that air source heat pumps are more suited to warmer climates. This myth however is expelled by the fact that air source has been used in Sweden since the 70’s and has grown exponentially since 2005 and this growth has been mirrored throughout the whole of mainland Europe. An air source heat pump, just as a thermodynamic water heating system, can get heat from the air even when the temperature outside drops down to around minus 20 degrees Celsius.

You are eligible to receive some government support in the form of a grant. If you decide to buy an air source heat pump. The specific grant you can apply for is the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). Keep in mind that in order to be eligible for this grant, the air source heat pump has to be an air-to-water heat pump.


  • Lower fuel bills, especially if you are replacing conventional electric heating
  • Potential income through the UK government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)
  • Lower home carbon emissions, depending on which fuel you are replacing
  • No fuel deliveries needed
  • Can heat your home as well as your water
  • Minimal maintenance required


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“Professional Service”

Professional service, good selection of products and prices to suit budget. No hard sell, quick and tidy install, satisfied customer, would recommend.

K. Honeyman








Renewable energy can be a confusing subject. If you have any questions or simply wish to discuss your project then click below or call us on 0141 297 1727.


Caledonia House  |  Evanton Drive
Glasgow  |  G46 8JT
Tel: 0141 255 0589


Caledonia House  |  Evanton Drive
Glasgow  |  G46 8JT
Tel: 0141 255 0589


Suite 68  | 9/10 Dock Street
Dundee  | DD1 4BT
Tel: 01382 680 160



Suite 68  | 9/10 Dock Street
Dundee  | DD1 4BT
Tel: 01382 680 160



44, 46 | Morningside Rd
Edinburgh  | EH10 4BF
Tel: 0141 297 1727


44, 46 | Morningside Rd
Edinburgh  | EH10 4BF
Tel: 0141 297 1727

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